St Brigid’s Day in 5th Class

5th Class were busy making their St Brigid’s day crosses the traditional way out of rushes. It was not an easy task and they worked very well as a team to create these beautiful crosses.

5th class then watched mass and said a prayer to St Brigid. They brought their crosses home with them to have in their houses.

Congratulations 6th Class!

Congratulations to all of the boys and girls in 6th Class who were confirmed today in St. Joseph’s Church, Marshalstown. It was a wonderful ceremony for the children and their families and we hope everyone has a wonderful time celebrating this special occasion.

Pancake Tuesday

Yesterday was a very exciting day in Marshalstown NS as it was Pancake Tuesday. The children were all delighted to see the pancakes being cooked and they enjoyed eating the pancakes even more! 🙂

Grandparents Day

Today was a very special day in Marshalstown NS as we celebrated having our grandparents in our lives. Fr. MacDonald said a mass for all the school children and their families. After mass, the children returned to school where they welcomed their grandparents and parents into their classrooms to see the wonderful art they had created for this wonderful occasion. All the grandparents enjoyed a cup of tea and a treat in the school too!

Thanks to everyone who visited the school today and made it such a special occasion for the children. Click on the photographs for a closer look at the children’s work. 🙂

The sacrament of Confirmation

Congratulations to all the boys and girls of Marshalstown National School and Castledockrell National School who are receiving the sacrament of Confirmation tomorrow. The ceremony will take place in Castledockrell church at 11 a.m. and the children are very much looking forward to sharing this special day with all of their friends and families.

Many thanks to the children who are singing or playing an instrument in the choir and they are reminded to wear their uniform and to be in the church no later than 10.50 a.m. The ceremony is expected to be over by 12.30.

Marshalstown NS will be closed tomorrow and will reopen on Friday morning at 9.20 with children supervised from 9.10.


First Confession

The students of 2nd class worked very hard in preparation for their first confession which took place last Thursday night 9.3.2017.

Everything went off really well and the students did a wonderful job.

Well done to everyone involved.                                      

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

The school has been given a very Christmassy makeover in the last week as everyone gets into the Christmas spirit. Preparations and rehearsals are also ongoing for our Christmas concert which will take place in the community centre on Monday 15th December at 7pm. We hope everyone will come along and enjoy the show!

First Confession

Best of luck to all the boys and girls in Second Class who are receiving the sacrament of First Confession on Thursday night.

They have been preparing very hard for the occasion and are looking forward to sharing the night with their families, Fr. MacDonald and Miss O’ Shea.